The inherent malleability and strength of mild steel makes our chosen medium ideal for creating dynamic durable sculpture. Delicate, intricately forged pieces for the home and garden or large fabricated and forged works for the public domain are all created from the same material.
Where relevant, other materials may be incorporated into a design, such as stone, glass, wood or textiles and for this we work with the skills and knowledge of trusted artisans in the appropriate field.
At Ratho Byres Forge we embrace traditional techniques, working each element hot, at the anvil, the power hammer or hydraulic press, forging tapers, punching holes, tenoning and riveting elements together, all this manipulation of the metal adds a rich texture and timeless quality to the finished piece.
We enjoy pushing our known boundaries both in the unique designs that we create on paper, researching our production and tooling to explore the inherent properties of steel, allowing us developing the forging of shapes and textures required to create bespoke innovative award winning sculptural work to enhance any space.
Our Portfolio
The progressive approach developed at Ratho Byres Forge combines metal working techniques from ancient times, contemporary design and the innovative use of modern technology. All these factors give the forged metalwork a recognisable style and a reputation for quality which is second to none in Scotland.